It's time to use PanPon in your server.

PanPon is a reminder bot based on EPIC RPG commands, as well as a command tracker to keep up with your hunting statistics!

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Features of PanPon
The best EPIC RPG reminder bot!
99% Uptime

Thanks to our friendly community for testing and reporting bugs and because of hosting in the best paid service, we are providing fast and stable reminders with 99% uptime.


The most unique feature ever, we track command stats of over 20k EPIC RPG players with easy and readable statistics as well as a special leaderboard for top players.

Special Events

Along with regular daily reminder, we are always keeping up with new EPIC RPG events to provide helpers for special events as well as adjusting reminders when needed.




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Ready to try PanPon?
Invite PanPon for cool features and more fun with Epic RPG, Check out rhelp when you invite it!

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